Share on PinterestExperts say there are numerous health benefits to swimming in cold water. Gary Yeo
New research found that swapping moments of sitting for a few minutes of movement can significantly
Two new studies found that tai chi may be beneficial in protecting memory for seniors with mild cogn
Share on PinterestA new mouse study shows certain gut bacteria may help protect against respiratory
Share on Pinterest Researchers recently found that statins could help lower dementia risk in people
Share on PinterestExperts say hearing aids allow older adults to participate in more activities. Ale
Share on PinterestExperts say it’s important to monitor blood pressure in younger adults. Fuse/Getty
Share on PinterestA recent research review suggests that mindfulness combined with exercise may be b
People on social media are fermenting garlic in honey as a cold and flu treatment, but there isn’t r
Almost two-thirds of Americans who would benefit from statins aren’t taking them.Most people who are
The CDC said it will no longer distribute COVID vaccination cards, which were once a ticket to resum
Share on PinterestWhat clinical trials tell us about diabetes remission may not hold up in real-worl
Share on PinterestExperts say lifestyle factors such as exercise can help people achieve remission f
Share on PinterestCould migraine increase the risk of inflammatory bowel disease? A new study found
Share on PinterestCould learning more about the different biological types of Alzheimer’s disease he
The immune system immediately begins to mount a response after vaccination, but it takes about two w
Share on PinterestScientists are studying the effects of psilocybin from mushrooms on the brain. The
Share on PinterestResearchers are expressing caution about the use of Tylenol during the later stage
Cricket feet, or cricketing, is a repetitive motion where people rub their feet together rhythmicall
A panic attack is a sudden, overwhelming sense of fear or dread that comes out of nowhere and is oft